How Businesses Can Adapt and Thrive in Changing Times

How Businesses Can Adapt and Thrive in Changing Times

In the past few years, the macro environment has undergone vast transformations, driven by the COVID outbreak and the ensuing lockdowns, the cost-of-living crisis which has affected consumer behaviour, the war in Ukraine, and the global economic climate generally. For small business owners, these changes present both challenges and opportunities. The key to not just…

E Myth and Enchantment: Keeping Your Vision Alive as Your Business Grows

The entrepreneurial dream takes root in fertile fields of independence, passion, and, yes, a sprinkling of self-reliance. Some years ago, I read Michael Gerber’s book, The E Myth Revisited. In the book he refers to the “Solopreneur.” We paint our masterpieces, craft our solutions, and build empires brick by brick, sweat by passionate sweat. In…